Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Feedback Message to Bloomberg TV

just sent this to Bloomberg TV..."LOG: 7/27/10 13:08:57

Your Feedback:

"Much to many people's frustration I notice that B'berg has had it in for
Hayward since April.You may care to mention that today's London Evening Standard poll questions are;-

Should Svanberg continue as BP Chair? 70% say NO
Is Dudley the right man for BP? 55% say NO

After the TNK-BP debacle when Dudley clearly upset the russians in a big way I wonder how many of your broadcasters really have taken on board the reality that Your Bob may not be the right man for the job despite his deep south credentials. Perhaps if B'berg focused more on the 'deep' relationship between the majors and the oil service co's then some balanced TV coverage might actually get shown. For one UK stockbroker, that's me, is NOT too impressed with B'berg's lack of proper industry coverage on who really is responsible for the accident & leak. Thankfully BP's corporate governance is showing stark more responsibility than B'berg's unbalanced and sometimes ignorant approach to the oil services industry. "

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