Thursday, 6 October 2011

As news filters through of the death of Steve Jobs aged 56 there will be millions of people unaware that it was the scientific and artistic vision of one man that has got tens (maybe 100's) of millions to the point where we're at today. Yesterday's launch of the new iPhone4 was quite timely. One word can describe Steve Jobs.......that is "GENIUS".

The Apple website says it all...I recommend everyone to click on to see how one man can take down an entire corporate website in defiance of corporate regulations et al. SEE's the perfect tribute for a man who often wore no shoes and thought he wasn't cut out for management.

Steve Jobs died during a period when millions of people are beginning to question government, big business, regulation in a new movement that embraces on and consider this.

Would Steve Jobs be able to have achieved what he has done if he had started Apple Inc in 2011?

(a definition of Capitalocracy)  note this can apply to the UK too or anywhere for that matter

What Is Capitalocracy

Capitalocracy is a term which hopefully will catch on, which accurately describes what our supposedly democratic republic has become.

The corporation functions in a similar manner to a democracy. Decisions are made and representatives are named by vote. The difference is that instead of each member of the organization receiving a single vote, each share in the corporation represents a vote.

This is fine in business. It makes perfect sense. A person owning 2% of a business has 2% of the decision-making power. The problem is that as a system of government, this would be a perversion of democracy.

Corporations, whose decisions are made in a democracy of capital, in which votes are bought and sold, are an important source of funding for our election system. Donations for the two major parties come largely from corporations and the wealthy, who are also the owners of communication media and control the think tanks and political action committees which lobby, advertise, theorize, and attempt, rather successfully, to frame and shape the public dialogue.

And while, in the end, the voters do make the final decision, assuming that our election system is trustworthy, no mainstream candidate is presented to them without first and foremost winning the support or at least approval of enough monetary power, mainly derived from the major holders of capital. And the decisions of who receives corporate donations and what issues and political organizations receive corporate funding for their promotion are made by representatives chosen in this system of corporate democracy, where votes are bought and sold. It’s kind of like a run-off election, but instead of voting once among a full list of candidates in the first round, and then voting for the top two candidates in the second round, the first round is decided for us by the holders of capital. As shareholders and, thus, partial decision-makers for corporations, the people choosing our candidates don’t even have to be U.S. citizens.

The decisions made in government are made taking two things in mind, the voters and the capital which funds campaigns and shapes the public dialogue. The part the voter plays in the process is shrinking, as many people are giving in, without even knowing it, to the ideas the money power is working hard to distribute. It’s a problem which will get worse and worse as the generations pass, as people will take the talking points written by a corporate-funded PAC to justify the rich getting richer as the wisdom of their fathers passed down to them.

Every citizen has a right to submit legislation to Congress for consideration, except the president. Why is it, then, that so many of our laws today are written by lobbyists and corporations? At best, the legislators are not doing their jobs. We have industries writing their own regulations, then complaining that they are regulated too much, and that they can regulate themselves without legislation.

Democracy is government of the people, by the people, and for the people, with each person having equal representation, one man, one vote. This is clearly not how things work in the U.S. The money power gets first pick of the candidates in every election, and presents their top choices to the people. Their voice is the loudest in the public dialogue. And they write many of the laws we live under.

This is a government of capital, by capital, and for capital. This is a capitalocracy.

We’re looking for creative ways to take the power back.

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